COVID-19 Update April 17 #4
RSS Remote learning will continue online through learning tasks on Seesaw. If you still need to connect to your class Seesaw activities please click the link below which will take you to a slide with QRCodes for each class. If you need any further assistance, please email your child’s teacher.
The Ministry of Education has also provided robust distance learning through…
- more online resources for schools and kura, parents, ākonga and whānau available through the Learning from Home and Ki te Ao Mārama websites
- providing insurance cover for devices your schools and kura send to student homes
- PLD to support teachers and kaiako, tumuaki and leaders to work remotely with their students, ākonga and whānau
- TV channels in English and te reo Māori offering learning programmes for learners from early learning to year 10. You will see at least one channel will be for accessing educational content from 15 April. This will cover a broad curriculum.
- Extending access to the Virtual Learning Network.
Free internet safety filter for parents
While children are learning from home, they are away from the online safety and security services provided by Network for Learning (N4L) at school. So together with N4L and Netsafe, we have launched www.switchonsafety.